
Zuma’s legal team expected to advise him to approach the SCA: Jacob Zuma Foundation

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The Jacob Zuma Foundation says the former President’s legal team is expected to advise him to approach the Supreme Court of Appeal after the Pietermaritzburg High Court ruled that Zuma’s corruption trial should start on April 11.

Judge Piet Koen has dismissed Zuma’s application for leave to appeal. Koen had previously dismissed Zuma’s special plea, that lead state prosecutor Advocate Billy Downer should recuse himself.

The Foundation’s spokesperson Mzwanele Manyi was speaking outside the court.

“We are going to ask Mr Zuma to petition it. But the lawyers will shape proper reasoning and grounds for all of that. If you look at a separate issue of the affidavit that he directed and is now denying and all of that, both sides – the NPA and Zuma’s legal team – were very clear that this is an anomaly. But the man [Judge Koen] does not see an anomaly in this,” adds Manyi.

Manyi spoke to reporters outside court:

Zuma and French arms dealer Thales are facing charges of corruption, fraud, money laundering, and racketeering in connection with South Africa’s 1999 Arms Deal.

Below is the video of  Wednesday’s proceedings:
