
Zuma sentencing sends strong message to citizens: ANC Veterans’ League

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African National Congress (ANC) Veterans’ League says the Constitutional Court judgment against former President Jacob Zuma will send a strong message to South Africans that they must account for their actions.

In a major ruling on Tuesday, the court sentenced Zuma to 15 months in jail for contempt of court, violating the authority of the court and repeatedly attacking the dignity of the judiciary.

Zuma has until Sunday to present himself to a police station either in Nkandla in Northern KwaZulu-Natal or in Johannesburg.

15-month jail sentence for Zuma:

If Zuma fails to do so, Police Minister Bheki Cele and the National Commissioner General Khehla Sitole must ensure that he is delivered to prison authorities.

The League’s President Snuki Zikalala has commended the court for rejecting suggestions that Zuma should be given a suspended sentence on condition that he testified at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.

“[Acting Deputy Chief] Justice Sisi Khampepe made it very clear that Zuma is the first South African President to refuse to appear before the commission, so he did that with impunity. Saying he is ready to go to jail, now if you say that ,what example is he making to our people,” adds Zikalala.

Meanwhile, members of the Umkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans’ Association (MKMVA) have vowed to remain on guard outside the Zuma residence in Nkandla.

They say they are determined to protect him against arrest after Tuesday’s court ruling.

Zuma had failed to attend the hearings of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture – despite the apex court ordering him to do so.

The MKMVA members have been camping outside Zuma’s home since April.

Zuma supporters expected to gather in Nkandla following his sentencing:
