
Zandile Mafe’s case postponed to consult on psychiatric report

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The case against Parliament arson accused Zandile Mafe has been postponed until the 13th of July in the High Court in Cape Town. This is to allow for his defence team to consult with him on the content of a psychiatric report.

Mafe has completed a mental evaluation at the Fort England Medical Facility in the Eastern Cape.

Judge Nathan Erasmus ruled that the content of the report should not be disclosed at this stage.

Defence lawyers told the court that they might call in their own medical experts on the matter.

Mafe faces several charges, including arson, terrorism and theft following Parliament’s blaze last year.

Erasmus also ordered that Mafe be kept in custody at the medical wing of Pollsmoor Prison in Tokai until his next court appearance.

Analysis | Alleged Parliament arsonist Zandile Mafe to be sent for psychological evaluation: 
