
Young Zimbabweans not convinced elections will bring change

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Young Zimbabweans  say they have very little hope that the elections will have meaningful impact for ordinary citizens.

Zimbabweans will be heading to the polls on Monday. Even though there are 23 registered presidential candidates, many still see the elections as being between, Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa.

*Goodwill Robi (24) stays in London, he says even though he doubts the elections will bring change, he is disappointed that he will not be allowed to vote.

“Despite elections failing to bring any change in the past not voting brings no change. You resign yourself to not trying to change things. Imagine if everyone who wanted change but didnt go out to vote actually went out to vote, we would have a chance for actual change,” says Robi.

*Marcia Nyati (29) in South Africa says does not understand why Zimbabwe did not make provisions for those outside the country to vote where they are, like other countries do.

She says she will not go home because it’s expensive and not worth it.

“The system is rigged, ZANU will win. Why waste my time, energy and money over an election whose outcome is already known,” says Nyathi.

Nyathi says although she does not think that the elections will bring change, she is happy that Robert Mugabe will not be a contender.

These will be the first elections that Mugabe is not taking part in since the country’s independence.

She says the presence of a younger person like Chamisa as a presidential hopeful is something she is excited about.

“In as much as his promises are far fetched at times, he has a few things,  ZANU is not youthful, energetic and passionate,” says Nyathi.

She says she hopes whoever wins focuses on the health system, and incarceration of all corrupt individuals from the highest office.

Even though he lives in Zimbabwe, *Tendai Nyasha (23) says he will not vote.

“Whether Emmerson Mnangagwa or Nelson Chamisa, we are still going to be unemployed and Bulawayo will continue to be underdeveloped. Elections is just a delusion to make you feel like you’re making a stand,” says Nyasha.

He would not vote until Zimbabwe was fixed by people who have no other motive apart from fixing the country then giving it back to the people.

*Paul Ndiweni (24) in South Africa says he also feels like the elections will bring more of the same.

“Elections are not a currency for change in Zimbabwe,” says Ndiweni.

*Names changed 
