
We want to show that we can be a beacon of hope for people: Hill-Lewis

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Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis says the City wants to demonstrate that it can be a beacon of hope for people in the rest of the country.

He told 2 000 delegates at the Democratic Alliance (DA) Federal Congress in Midrand, Johannesburg, that only the party’s policies can make the South African economy start to grow again.

“We are passionate about showing a decline in South Africa is not inevitable in Cape Town. We refuse to accept that electricity blackouts are part of our future; they are not. That’s why we are on track to make Cape Town the first metro to be entirely load shedding free. We refuse to accept that four out of every 10 people who want to find work cannot find work. Three-quarters of all new jobs added to the country in the last quarter of 2022 were added in Cape Town.”

DA Federal Congress 2023:

Meanwhile, Gauteng DA leader Solly Msimanga says he’s hopeful that the party’s 2023 Congress will produce a diversity of leadership.

Msimanga says the party cannot claim to be a federal party if its leaders are only a representation of a certain group of people.

“You cannot talk about being a federal party and have a concentration of your leaders in a province. Therefore, I think this will give us a diverse group of national leaders that we can all stand and rally behind,” says Msimanga.
