
We should look beyond the Guptas to root out corruption: Vilakazi

Former Busa CEO Jerry Vilakazi
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Former Business Unity South Africa (Busa) CEO Jerry Vilakazi says unravelling corruption allegations and recouping of lost funds should not be limited to the Gupta family.

Vilakazi was speaking after Monday’s testimony by British lawmaker Lord Peter Hain at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.

Hain, an anti-Apartheid activist, raised questions over international banking institutions turning a blind eye to alleged corrupt activities by the Gupta family and high ranking officials.

He name dropped a number of international banks, claiming that they helped the Guptas hide the source of their funds, by allowing them to transfer illicit funds into accounts.

Vilakazi says, “It looks to me, and it is the point that Peter is raising, sometimes you get a sense that there is a global gentlemen’s agreement. The reality is that we have all stood up at this point because when we saw and read and heard what the Guptas are alleged to have done. It sparked an anger that suddenly has made us stand up. But even beyond this environment we are still not looking beyond the Guptas.”

