
We are not anti-Government of National Unity: ATM

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The African Transformation Movement (ATM) says it does not believe that the shift of several political parties from the progressive caucus would cause a depletion in the opposition.

This comes after the United Democratic Movement (UDM), Rise Mzansi and Al Jama-ah abandoned the Progressive Caucus to join the Government of National Unity (GNU).

The ATM says the formation of the caucus was initially influenced by the African National Congress’ (ANC) decision to engage two parties which it defined as a coalition government not because they were against the GNU.

Party Spokesperson Zama Ntshona says he hopes members who have left will still carry the ideologies they had in the caucus.

Ntshona says, “We are not anti-Government of National Unity because the people of this country have been clear on the matter that we want a participation because we do not trust that one political party can lead this country anymore. This is why we do not have a problem when parties join because we were never anti.”

PODCAST: Interview with ATM Spokesperson Zama Ntshona:

Repoting by Diteboho Ntamane.

