
Voters criticise new policy mandating voting at registered stations

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some eligible voters have criticised the new elections policy which requires voters to vote specifically at the voting stations they are registered at.

Some voters have been turned back at Nelsonkop Primary School voting station in Marapong township outside Lephalale, Limpopo because they are not registered there.

They say they are disappointed.

“Is where the problem is I didn’t vote they said I must go actually were I supposed to vote I must go in Gauteng now is what they are saying.”

Giving an update on voting at various polling stations across the country, the IEC reiterates that citizens can only vote at a voting station where they are registered.

Voting is underway in South Africa with more than 27 million South Africans registered to vote at over 23 000 polling stations.

The commission’s Deputy Chief Electoral Officer Masego Sheburi says there are enough voting materials and every voter will be assisted before stations close.

“We also, unfortunately, report that there were a number of voting stations at which we opened late, owing to delays on our material handling, also related to issues of escort where there were not enough security services to escort our material, including protests in certain communities.”



