
Villages in Limpopo decry ignored calls for crucial bridge repairs

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Residents of Bismarck and Tickeyline villages, situated in the Sekororo area of Limpopo, find themselves in a precarious situation, as the lingering dilapidation of a crucial bridge continues to jeopardise their safety and access to essential services.

Despite the bridge being flagged as unsafe nearly eight years ago, the residents are still awaiting necessary repairs that would restore their vital link to health facilities and economic opportunities, fundamental for their daily livelihoods.

The bridge, serving as a crucial conduit between the two villages, not only facilitates access to key services but also plays a pivotal role in fostering community cohesion and socio-economic activities. The protracted absence of a functional bridge has drastically impeded the residents’ ability to commute and access critical amenities that were once easily reachable.

Expressing their concerns, local residents highlighted the grave impact of the bridge’s collapse, underscoring the profound challenges they face as a result of this prolonged infrastructure disrepair.

Limpopo Department of Public Works spokesperson Witness Tiva has assured the community that measures are being taken to address the issue.

Tiva confirmed the dispatching of a team of engineers to conduct an assessment of the damages, with the aim of formulating a comprehensive plan for the bridge’s restoration.

“Following the urgent directive from MEC Mme Nkakareng Rakgoale, the management of the Department of Roads and Infrastructure has been mobilised in tandem with the Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) to dispatch a team of adept engineers to conduct a detailed assessment of the compromised road and bridge in the affected locality. The subsequent report will serve as the guiding blueprint for the implementation of both short-term and long-term solutions,” affirmed Tiva.
