
Unlicensed vehicles, lack of bulletproof vests hindering EMPD

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Insufficient and unlicensed vehicles, lack of bulletproof vests and training in crowd management, are some of the challenges facing the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD).

The Ekurhuleni Metro police management revealed this during a stakeholder meeting with the Community Safety Portfolio Committee of the Gauteng Legislature.

EMPD says for the period between January 2023 and March 2023, they were able to arrest 1123 suspects for various crimes out of a set target of 1400 for the quarter under review.

EMPD Deputy Chief of Police says the shortage of vehicles is a huge challenge.

“This current financial year, the previous financial year and the coming financial year there is no provision made for the fleet. Service turns around at the workshops; it is very poor. We cannot use vehicles that are not licensed, when we go to service delivery protest instead of using armoured vehicles, we shoot…”
