
United Congress (UNICO)

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United Congress (UNICO) was formed by Mluleki George in 2013. George was a senior Congress of the People (COPE) member. He was also a Member of Parliament.

George resigned as a Member of Parliament last year to form his new political party with other former COPE members. At the time, George accused COPE leader Mosiuoa Lekota of not ruling the party properly, saying he is the reason why he left COPE.

George says the party’s short-term goal is to do well in the 2014 national elections and better in the 2015 local government elections.

Speaking at the launch of the party in Dutywa in the Eastern Cape, George, who was previously an ANC member, described the country’s education and healthcare systems as dysfunctional. He also expressed dismay at the high levels of corruption in the country.

UNICO has promised to close the gap between the rich and the poor if they can be in government.

George says he is also concerned about the alarming rate of unemployment amongst the youth.

The party says it will contest the elections in Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Gauteng.

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