
UN Security Council conveys condolences to Malawi

Deputy Chief of Protocol in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Malawi, Abdul Lapken, who was among plane crash victims has been laid to rest at Mangochi District near the southern end of Lake Malawi.
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The United Nations Security Council has observed a moment of silence following the tragic death of Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima earlier this week.

Chilima perished in a plane crash along with nine others after encountering bad weather on Monday.

Secretary-General, António Guterres’ Spokesperson Farhan Haq says the Secretary-General is deeply saddened by the tragic death of  Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima, Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, and nine others, in an airplane crash on 10 June in the Chikangawa forest in Malawi.

“The Secretary-General conveys his sincere condolences to the government and the people of Malawi for the loss of Vice President Chilima. The Secretary-General also extends his condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased. The United Nations stands in solidarity with Malawians in this difficult period,” says Farhan Haq.

Malawi declares 21-days of mourning period for Vice-President Saulos Chilima

