
Ubuntu Party (UBUNTU)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ubuntu Party was founded by Michael Tellinger in 2005. They also refer themselves as Ubuntu Contribution System who are a growing group of humans from all walks of life who consist of mothers, fathers, scientists, teachers, doctors, inventors, housewives, and many other ordinary people who care about other humans.

According to Tellinger, they are not a political party. “We are NOT a political party – we are a liberation movement of higher consciousness and enlightenment – sharing knowledge and information with those who are ready and willing to receive it and who realise that we have to find a new way to coexist as human beings.”

The movement says they share their knowledge with everyone in the belief that it will help South Africa move towards unity and abundance for all.

The party face of Ubuntu Party is a front for the party to make statements to the media so that their message can reach people. They believe through that they will be able to make politicians be accountable and responsible to the people they serve.

Ubuntu Party will be participating in the elections on 7 May 2014 for the first time.

They are aiming for 4 seats in Parliament.

2014 Elections Manifesto

Ubuntu Party believes that the country belongs to its people that the mineral wealth and the right to energy creation belongs to its people and that the government is appointed as the servant of the people, by the people to serve the needs of the people on every level of our human endeavour.

The party says based on these simple principles they plan to do the following:

• Restructure the entire banking system to serve the people and not enslave the people.

• Create a PEOPLE’S BANK that creates money for the people by the people, tax-free and interest-free, with 100% employment, and stop the financial enslavement of our people by the privately owned RESERVE BANK. This will immediately free the people of South Africa from debt slavery – the same way that Abraham Lincoln did with his Greenback, and JFK did with his United States Note in 1963, which replaced the Federal Reserve Note. For this, UBUNTU has been joined by Stephen Goodson, a former director and shareholder of the SARB, with insider knowledge of how the banking institutions have exploited the people and continue to control our government at every level.

• Let our scientists and inventors deliver a renewable source of Free Energy for every South African.

• Support our traditional healers and research scientists in finding alternative cures for all disease and prevent the drug cartels from hiding such cures from the people.

• Drive Monsanto from South Africa and prevent them from taking control of our food supply.

• Support our farmers on every level to escape the grips of Monsanto to grow organic food and plant gardens across the nation to ensure that no South African ever goes hungry again.

• Decentralise the government so that people can govern themselves in their own communities – taking care of their own needs immediately, supported by the new PEOPLE’S BANK every step of the way.

• Restructure the judiciary and the legal system, to be written by the people for the people, unlike the unjust legal system we face in our courts today, which holds the rights of corporations above those of living breathing human beings.

Candidates are:

Michael Tellinger – Founder and leader
Stephen Goodson – Former director and shareholder of the South African Reserve Bank
Louise Clarke – Shaman/woman
Sidney Organe – Humanitarian

– By
