
Transnet corruption case involving Brian Molefe, Siyabonga Gama postponed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Transnet corruption case involving its former executives Brian Molefe and Siyabonga Gama was postponed at the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court. This is to allow the prosecutor to provide the 11 accused’s legal representatives with a full charge sheet before the next appearance.

The defence was requested to provide two terabyte external hard drives to receive full disclosure of the contents of the case. This after expressing its unhappiness with the draft charge sheet it received from the prosecution.

But the National Prosecuting Authorities Investigative Directorate has not ruled out the possibility of more charges being added should new information emerge.

Molefe, Gama and their co-accused face charges of contravening the Public Finance Management Act and fraud while others are charged with fraud and money laundering.

The charges relate to millions of rands Transnet paid Trillian for organising a R30 billion loan to help buy 1 064 locomotives.

The accused also face charges linked to more than R90 million paid to Trillian Asset Management in 2015.

The spokesperson for NPA Investigating Directorate, Sindisiwe Seboka says, “The investigation officer reached out to the various legal representatives as early as Wednesday and Thursday requesting them to provide hard drives to upload the content of the docket and decide how they plan to plead. The charge sheet has been provided to the accused as committed in previous court appearances.”

Eskom says it’s recovered the R30 million paid to Brian Molefe’s pension fund: 

