
There is still time for warring factions in Ethiopia to strike a peace deal: Blinken

Reading Time: 2 minutes

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says there remains a small window of opportunity for the warring factions in Ethiopia to cease hostilities and engage in dialogue without conditionalities.

Blinken told a media conference in Nairobi that the conflict in Ethiopia risks destabilizing the East African region.

He also threw his weight behind the African Union peace mediation efforts.

SABC News Sarah Kimani reports:

Blinken is in Kenya on his first leg of a three-nation African tour.

On the Ethiopian issue, Blinken said the conflict in Ethiopia is a threat to peace and security in the Horn of Africa.

He urged all parties to come together at the table and to put in place the cessation of hostilities: “We need to see humanitarian assistance flow freely now, we need to see people detained released and we need to see everyone engaging in an effort to resolve the differences that exist peacefully and constitutionally.”

On Sudan, Blinken demanded an immediate resumption of civilian rule in the country, saying that the US and the International Community back calls for an end to the military rule in the country saying there is a need for the country to resume its path to democracy and the rule of law.

Meanwhile, Kenya is due to hold its General Elections next year – in meetings with President Uhuru Kenyatta and the Civil Society, Blinken spoke of the need for Kenya to conduct free, fair elections free from violence.

Blinken urged the rebel groups fighting the government to stop their advance for the capital Addis Ababa and instead engage the government:

Analysis: Vincent Kimosop is a policy and governance analyst at Sovereign Insight in Kenya
