
Suspension of firefighters no impact on services

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The Ekurhuleni metro municipality says the suspension of 48 female firefighters has had no impact on the rendering of emergency services to communities.

The municipality says the firefighters were suspended for staging an illegal march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria in full uniform.

Their march was protest against their working conditions.

Labour union SAMWU, which represents firefighters, has accused the municipality of not having followed proper procedures when suspending their members.

Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Radebe points out that their firefighters helped to deal with the recent Bank of Lisbon blaze.

He says the matter is currently under investigation and Ekurhuleni is working very hard to make sure that we bring the matter to a closure.

He says: “I must also emphasise that these suspensions did not have any bearing in the services of the emergency services hence we were even able to assist in the city of Johannesburg.”
