
South Africans in different parts of the country celebrate Mandela Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes

South Africans have been out and about celebrating Mandela Day around the country as the haves donate to the have-nots in some areas.

As part of the Mandela Day initiative, the community of Danielskuil in the Northern Cape were given a free shopping experience. The local mines set up a free pop up store for the needy to pick and choose clothing that will help keep the winter chills away.

Residents say everyday should be a Mandela Day.

“I saw it important that I also come and get some clothing for myself. I got at least two t-shirts,” says one resident.

Another adds, “I wish they don’t only do this for Mandela Day but they come frequently to help the needy. Nonetheless we are happy.”

Meanwhile, the South African Social Services Agency employees in  Mpumalanga spent the  International Mandela Day renovating a child-headed family’s house in the rural village of Daggakraal, near Volskrust.

The employees contributed funds towards this initiative and bought the family a stove and other necessities.

Sassa’s Regional Manager Thulani Mathebula says they did this out of love because Mandela had love for ordinary people.

“We are here in this child-headed household. They are seven in there, staying in the RDP. The ‘elder’ (sic) is also a child. They are dependent of the social grant. That is the only source of income that they got – Sassa. That’s why we chose them because they are in line with the mandate. They are line with what we are doing at Sassa. Everything that you are seeing; the paint, we bought as officials, the window, the carpets, the locks, we are going to replace.

