
South Africa is a failed state: Referendum Party

The Referendum Party leader Phil Craig
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The leader of the Referendum Party (PR), Phil Craig, has called for a referendum on Cape Independence.

The party launched its election manifesto in the Western Cape.

Craig says South Africa is a failed state.

He says, “A referendum would allow us to build this first world country and ultimately it would do that by allowing them democracy, allow a situation where they can elect their own government and vote in a better government than voters in the rest of South Africa have done and will continue to do undoubtedly after these elections.”

In their manifesto, the PR says their goal is not to remove the Democratic Party (DA) from government in the province but to make it listen to the people.

The party says when it comes to forming a Western Cape Government, they will support the DA and oppose the African National Congress (ANC).

DOCUMENT: Referendum Party’s election manifesto:
