
Sex education aimed at reducing teen pregnancies

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The World Health Organisation (WHO) says about 21 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 fall pregnant in developing countries every year.

In an effort to address the high rate of teenage pregnancy in Africa, international non-profit organisation Ibis Reproductive Health partnered with amaze.org, a YouTube health channel to provide free sex education to the youth in developing countries.

Director of Southern Africa programmes at Ibis Tshegofatso Bessenaar says, “Sexual education is a subject that tackles a specific area which is key in that sexual education is misconceived to mean to teach young people how to have sex. It is different in that it empowers young people with information to make sure they improve their attitude to sexual issues, health and components to human rights, their understanding of values and relationships and what that would mean for them.”

High teenage pregnancy in South Africa
