
Security threat around Zuma heightened: MK Party

MK Party leader Jacob Zuma
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The uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party says the response in the country’s political landscape to former President Jacob Zuma leading the party, means that the security threat around him is heightened.

The MK Party KwaZulu-Natal co-ordinator, Simphiwe Mpungose was speaking on the side-lines of the party’s rally in KwaMashu.

This weekend, Zuma was campaigning in and around Durban ahead of the May 29 general elections.

Mpungose says they are leaving nothing to chance.

He says, “For someone who is a president there is always a security threat, whether it’s President Zuma or anyone, there is always a threat; but with him the way he has shaken KZN, we must be as the leaders of the organisation, take all necessary precautionary measures to ensure he is safe, yes there is always a threat we do not intend taking any risk.”

VIDEO: MK Party’s Zuma on the campaign trail in KwaMashu:
