
SA’s dysfunctional SOEs are a result of wrong management: Moeletsi Mbeki

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Political Analyst, Moeletsi Mbeki says that the dysfunction in the country’s State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) including power utility Eskom, has been the result of them having wrong owners, who then put wrong management in charge.

SOEs | How to fix them?

Mbeki says the ANC government had no prior experience in running large entities, and the implementation of wrong policies including affirmative action- also compounded the existing problems.

“It’s the wrong owner, who has wrong management systems, and who has wrong philosophies like affirmative action and black economic empowerment. The South African government has no experience of owning anything- the people who run the South African government, that is the ANC- they’ve never owned anything before.

Of course we all know the reasons why they never owned anything is because of apartheid policies and racial discrimination. So, suddenly they woke up on April the 28th, 1994 and they’re owning these huge companies.”
