
SANDF needs at least R1-billion to rehabilitate the Vaal

The contaminated Vaal River
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The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) says it needs at least R1 billion from Treasury to rehabilitate the Vaal River system.

The SANDF’s statement comes as Finance Minister Tito Mboweni prepares to deliver his budget speech on Wednesday afternoon.

More than 200 soldiers and engineers were deployed to fix the Vaal River contamination last year. Residents complained about waste water flowing into their homes.

SANDF spokesperson Andries Mahapa says: “Whatever money there is going to be issued is going to do what has been said to do. So once we have that surety from the Department of Water and Sanitation, in terms of governance and compliance with laws, once all those things are in place and Treasury will release the money then we will have some catching up to do.”

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