
Saint or Villain – De Klerk’s tainted legacy leaves South Africa divided

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South Africans have shared mixed reactions at the news of former apartheid South Africa president, FW de Klerk’s passing. Some have gone as far as calling for him not to get a state funeral.

De Klerk passed away on Thursday morning at the age of 85 after battling cancer.

His reputation as president of a divided South Africa seems to be following him to his grave, as South Africans share differing memories and views on the deceased elderly National Party leader.

Some political parties including the Democratic Alliance and Inkatha Freedom Party have sent heartfelt messages of condolences on the passing of the former apartheid statesman.

Social Media re-action, messages of condolences:

Local actress, Pearl Thusi did not mince her words in calling for De Klerk not to be offered a state funeral, saying if he is granted such, it would be an insult to the victims of apartheid and its legacy.

Calls not to grant him a state funeral:


Another Twitter user has shared similar sentiments to Thusi, posting a video of apartheid police assaulting a black man.

Many have questioned the praise he has been given for his role in “ushering” South Africa into democracy.

Journalist, Karyn Maughan referred to some of the apartheid crimes de Klerk never testified on, including that of Matthew Goniwe and his comrades, known as the Cradock 4.

Author and commentator, Kim Heller also labelled him as “an un-noble man whose government committed crimes against humanity.”

Questions on his legacy:

In one of his last media interviews with the SABC, De Klerk didn’t want to agree with the notion that UN declaration that apartheid was a crime against humanity. Some brought up his stubborn stance on apartheid.

Apartheid, a crime against humanity, denialism:


De Klerk passed away on Thursday morning, his family is yet to announce the date of his burial.
