
SACP slams ANC critics ahead of Siyanqoba rally

ANC supporters at FNB stadium
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African National Congress (ANC) president Cyril Ramaphosa has arrived at the FNB stadium in Johannesburg where he will soon address the party’s Siyanqoba rally ahead of next Wednesday’s elections.

Speaking ahead of Ramaphosa’s address, South African Communist Party (SACP) spokesperson Dr Alex Mashilo has slammed critics of the ANC who say the party has done nothing for South Africans since it was elected into government in 1994.

Mashilo says the notion is false.

“My parents, their grandparents, their great great grandparents, and the same applies to you, were denied access to electricity. Today as I speak to you over 95% of South African households have access to electricity. Is that what you call nothing? That is racism. People who enjoyed electricity alone just because they were white or rich do not see that today over 95% of South African households have access to electricity.”
