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SABC Board bows out from the public broadcaster

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The outgoing SABC Board’s five-year term of office will end this Saturday. Four of the board members served their full term. The remaining eight were appointed in 2019 following the resignation of other members which created vacancies.

The eight only served three and a half years in office. Five of the outgoing 12 non- executive board members have been re-nominated, shortlisted and interviewed to serve on the incoming board.

The SABC will be officially without a board from Sunday. This as the current parliamentary process to recommend a new board for appointment by the President, has been delayed.

The outgoing board led by Bongumusa Makhathini has been praised by the Committee Chairperson Boyce Maneli. In a recent statement Maneli says “although at times approaches may have seen to bring tensions amongst stakeholders, the committee was never in doubt that the SABC was changing for the better under the current board”.

The board has also been praised for stabilising the corporation. It is also the first SABC board in twenty-six years to have retrenched hundreds of employees during a Section 189 process last year.

The fist retrenchments at the SABC took place after 1994. This Saturday, the outgoing board also bows out at a time where the wage dispute between the SABC and unions remains unresolved.

VIDEO: SABC board candidates’ interviews:
