
Ruling by ICJ is a victory for international law: Ramaphosa

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President Cyril Ramaphosa says the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a victory for international law and justice globally.

He says Israel has violated this law in all fronts.

The ICJ has ordered Israel to take measures to prevent and punish direct incitement of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Ramaphosa says South Africa welcomes the judgment.

President Ramaphosa addresses the nation after ICJ decision

Meanwhile, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given his reaction to the  ruling, saying Israel will continue to defend itself and its citizens while adhering to international law.

He said the charge of genocide leveled against Israel was false and outrageous.

“Israel’s commitment to international law is unwavering. Equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and defend our people. Like every country, Israel has an inherent right to defend itself.”

“The vile attempt to deny Israel this fundamental right is blatant discrimination against the Jewish state and it was justly rejected. The charge of genocide leveled against Israel is not only false, it’s outrageous and decent people everywhere should reject it,” adds Netanyahu.

ICJ orders provisional measures against Israel
