
Ramaphosa and Steenhuisen to meet today over GNU

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President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to meet DA leader John Steenhuisen this afternoon. The two party leaders will try to find common ground regarding the constitution of the Government of National Unity.

The parties were this week engaged in a bitter battle of words and exchanging letters.

In their last correspondence, the President indicated that he wanted to complete the negotiations and announce his executive this week.

This afternoon’s meeting is expected to be the make-or-break moment of whether the DA becomes part of the GNU.

The DA has been unhappy with the ANC’s offer of six ministries, which now appear to exclude the Department of Trade and Industry.

But, this deadlock could present an opportunity for the ANC to negotiate with other parties.

The second-largest party had sought to prevent what it termed a ‘doomsday coalition.’

When Steenhuisen meets the President later this afternoon, he will be mindful of this threat to the DA.

VIDEO | Political analyst Sanusha Naidu discusses the GNU talks:

