
Queen Elizabeth’s death: Tributes from world leaders continue to pour in

Reading Time: 15 minutes

Buckingham Palace reported on the passing of Queen Elizabeth (96), Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and the nation’s figure head for 7 decades on Thursday.

Reaction to the news:

South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa

“Her majesty was an extraordinary and world-renowned public figure who lived a remarkable life.  Her life and legacy will be fondly remembered by many around the world. The Queen’s commitment and dedication during her 70 years on the throne remains a noble and virtuous example to the entire world.”

U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Gutterres

“As the United Kingdom’s longest-lived and longest-reigning Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II was widely admired for her grace, dignity, and dedication around the world. She was assuring presence throughout decades of sweeping change, including the decolonization of Africa and Asia and the evolution of the Commonwealth.”

“Queen Elizabeth II was a good friend of the United Nations, and visited our New York Headquarters twice, more than 50 years apart. She was deeply committed to many charitable and environmental causes.”

“The world will long remember her devotion and leadership.”


U.S. President, Joe Biden and Jill Biden

“In a world of constant change, she was a steadying presence and a source of comfort and pride for generations of Britons, including many who have never known their country without her.”  In a statement, they said, “Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history, and in the story of our world.”


Russian President, Vladimir Putin

In a message to Charles, Britain’s new king, Putin said, “The Queen rightfully enjoyed the love and respect of her subjects, as well as authority on the world stage.” He adds, “I wish you courage and resilience in the face of this difficult, irreparable loss. May I ask you to pass on sincere condolences and support to members of the royal family and the entire people of Great Britain.”


Pope Francis

“I willingly join all who mourn her loss in praying for the late Queen at eternal rest, and in paying tribute to her life of unstinting service to the good of the Nation and the Common wealth.”


Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland

“Her Majesty loved the Commonwealth, and the Common wealth loved her. During her reign she traveled more than any monarch in history, visiting every part of our family of nations.”

“The growth and vibrancy of our modern Commonwealth is a credit to her and testament to her dedication, wisdom and leadership.”


Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered as a stalwart of our times. She provided inspiring leadership to her nation and people. She personified dignity and decency in public life. Pained by her demise, my thoughts are with her family and people of UK in this sad hour.”


Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif, 

“Deeply grieved at the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Pakistan joins the UK & other Commonwealth nation sin mourning her death. My heartfelt condolences to the royal family, people & government of the UK.”


Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau 

“It was with the heaviest of hearts that we learned of the passing of Canada’s longest-reigning Sovereign, her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. She was a constant presence in our lives —and her service to Canadians will forever remain an important part of our country’s history.”


Ghanaian President, Nana Akufo-Addo

“The Ghanaian people have very fond memories of the two visits she made to Ghana during her reign, and, on both occasions, we remember the friendliness, elegance, style and sheer joy she brought to the performance of her duties.”


Nigerian President, Muhammad Buhari

“The story of modern Nigeria will never be complete without a chapter on Queen Elizabeth II, a towering global personality and an outstanding leader. She dedicated her life to making her nation, the Commonwealth and the entire world a better place.”


New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern

“I know that I speak for people across New Zealand in offering our deepest sympathy to members of the Royal Family at the passing of the Queen. To us she was a much admired and respected monarch; to them she was a mother and grandmother.” says Arden.

She adds, “The Queen was a much loved and admired monarch, whose record reign of 70 years is an absolute testament to her, and her commitment to us all. She was extraordinary.”

Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese

“With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, a historic reign and a long life devoted to duty, family, faith and service has come to an end.”

“Australian hearts go out to the people of the United Kingdom who mourn today, knowing they will feel they have lost part of what makes their nation whole.”

“There is comfort to be found in Her Majesty’s own words: ‘Grief is the price we pay for love.”


Former U.S. President, Donald Trump and former First Lady, Melania Trump

“Queen Elizabeth’s historic and remarkable reign left a tremendous legacy of peace and prosperity for Great Britain. Her leadership and enduring diplomacy secured and advanced alliances with the United States and countries around the world.”


Former U.S. President, Barack Obama

“Michelle and I were lucky enough to come to know her majesty, and she meant a great deal to us.”

“Time and again, we were struck by her warmth, the way she put people at ease, and how she brought her considerable humour and charm to moments of great pomp and circumstance.”


Former U.S. President, George W. Bush

“Laura and I were honoured to have known Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a woman of great intellect, charm, and wit. Spending time at Buckingham Palace, and having tea with her majesty and her Corgis is among our fondest memories of the Presidency. Queen Elizabeth ably led England through dark moments with her confidence in her people and her vision for a brighter tomorrow.”

Former U.S. President, Bill Clinton 

“My thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family and all the people Her Majesty inspired throughout her lifetime of service.”


European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen 

“It is with deep sadness that I have learned of the passing of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was the world’s longest serving Head of State and one of the most respected personalities worldwide. I offer my heartfelt condolences to the royal family and the British people.”

European Council President, Charles Michel

“Once called Elizabeth the Steadfast, she never failed to show us the importance of lasting values in a modern world with her service and commitment.”


Irish Prime Minister, Micheal Martin 

“I would like to convey my deepest sympathy to the British people on the loss of their beloved monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.”

“Her State Visit to Ireland in 2011 marked a crucial step in the normalisation of relations with our nearest neighbour. That visit was a great success, largely because of the many gracious gestures and warm remarks made by the Queen.”


Dutch King, Willem- Alexander

“We remember Queen Elizabeth II with deep respect and great affection. Steadfast and wise, she dedicated her long life to serving the British people. We feel a strong bond with the United Kingdom and its royal family, and we share their sorrow at this time.”


Norway’s King Harald

“Our thoughts are with his majesty The King and the members of the royal family on the loss of Queen Elizabeth. For nearly a century, her majesty devoted her life to the service of the Common wealth, following the British people through good days and bad, in times of happiness and sorrow. We also send our condolences to the British people.”


King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden

“With sadness, my family and I have today received the news that my dear relative, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, has passed away.”

“The Queen served her countries and the Common wealth with an outstanding devotion and sense of duty. She has been a constant presence, not only in British society but internationally. In addition, she has always been a good friend to my family and a link to our shared family history.”


German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz

“We mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a role model and inspiration for millions, also here in Germany. Her commitment to German-British reconciliation after the horrors of World War II will remain unforgotten. She will be missed, not least her wonderful humour.”


French President, Emmanuel Macron 

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II embodied the British nation continuity and unity for over 70 years. I remember her as a friend of France, a kind-hearted queen who has left a lasting impression on her country and her century.”


Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi

“Queen Elizabeth was a major player in world history over the last seventy years. She represented the United Kingdom and the Common wealth with balance, wisdom, respect for institutions and democracy. She has been the most beloved symbol of her country and has garnered respect, affection and warm feelings everywhere.”


Turkish President, Tayyip Erdogan

Erdogan says he is saddened to learn of Queen Elizabeth’s death and sent his deepest condolences to the royal family and the people and government of the United Kingdom.


Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sandchez

“My condolences to the entire Royal Family, the government and the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.”

“A figure of global significance, witness and author of British and European history.”


Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy 

“It is with deep sadness that we learned of the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of the UA people, we extend sincere condolences to the @RoyalFamily, the entire United Kingdom and the Commonwealth over this irreparable loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.”


Polish President, Andrzej Duda

“My deepest condolences to the royal family and all the British people on the passing of her majesty, the Queen. For decades she has been an embodiment of everything that makes Britain truly great. She will be missed and remembered in Poland and all over the world.”

Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo

“The People of Gibraltar will mourn Her Majesty as a monarch who has reigned wisely and with incomparable dedication throughout the period of our post-war emergence as a part of the British family of nations.”

“The People of Gibraltar and the Government proclaim their loyalty to the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and to his Majesty the King.”


Barbados President, Sandra MAason

“Just under one year ago Barbados took the decision to complete the course of independence by breaking constitutionalties with the British monarchy and establishing the world’s newest republic. Significant as that decision was, given the place Barbados has held in the British Empire for centuries, it did not in the least diminish the friendship between our two nations, or indeed with Buckingham Palace.”


Jamaican Prime Minister, Andrew Holness

“We join our brothers and sisters in the Commonwealth in mourning her passing, and pray for the comfort of the members of her family, and the people of the United Kingdom, as they grieve the loss of their beloved Queen and matriarch.”


Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Keith Rowley

“Though Trinidad and Tobago gained its Independence and later became a Republic, this country recognizes the lasting legacy of Her Majesty.”


Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne 

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has had an impactful reign,during which her relations with my State and its people have remained mutually respectful and unchanging.”

“Before being accorded the role of Head of the State of Antigua and Barbuda, beginning 1st November 1981, Her Majesty was shown great affection by the people of our country on her visits.”


UAE’s President, Mohamed Bin Zayed

“Her majesty was a close friend of the UAE and a beloved &respected leader whose long reign was characterised by dignity, compassion and a tireless commitment to serving her country.”

Abdullah Bin Al Hussein, King of Jordan

“Jordan mourns the passing of an iconic leader. Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a beacon of wisdom and principled leadership for seven decades. She was a partner for Jordan and a dear family friend. We stand with the people and leadership of the UK at this difficult time.”


Iraqi President, Barham Salih

“I am deeply saddened by the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. I extend profound condolences to the royal family and to the people of the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth will be remembered as a great icon of history who served with grace, dignity and fortitude.”


Argentine Government

Expressed its “sorrow” at the death of Queen Elizabeth II and says that it “stood by the British people and her family in this moment of pain”.

Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro

“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England, British monarch. We express our condolences to the royal family, to the United Kingdom and to the British people. Peace to her Soul.”|


Ecuadorian President, Guillermo Lasso

“Distraught at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, whose long life and dedication to the service of her people go down in history as an exemplary reign.”


Paraguayan President, Mario Abdo Benãtez

“From the Republic of Paraguay, we convey our condolences to the Royal Family, the Government and the people of the United Kingdom on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, who will always be remembered for her great vocation of service. “he says.


Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard

“Our thoughts and condolences to the people and government of the United Kingdom.”


Panamanian President, Laurentino Cortizo

“I send heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family, the British people and the Common wealth on the physical passing of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who honoured Panama on a historic State Visit 6 decades ago. Peace to her soul.”


Guatemalan President, Alejandro Giammattei

“We are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her leadership will remain a legacy for humanity. We express our deepest condolences to the royal family and the British people.”


Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo

“On behalf of the Peruvian people, we express our condolences to the royal family and the entire United Kingdom on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England, the British monarch. Her legacy of service and leadership will live on in history.”


Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida

“Queen Elizabeth … played an extremely important role in the peace and prosperity of the world. In 1975, she visited Japan and contributed greatly to the strengthening of Japan-Britain relations.

“(Her death) is a great loss not only to the British people but also to the international community.” he adds.

Singapore Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong

“She performed her duties with devotion, grace, and humility. Her contributions to the United Kingdom, the Common wealth, and indeed to the world will be recorded in history, and she will always be remembered fondly as a great world leader.”


Taiwan President, Tsai ing-Wen

Tsai expressed “deep condolences” for the death. Her office says: “Taiwan and the United Kingdom are united in their gratitude for the Queen’s lifelong contribution to world peace and prosperity; Taiwan will also work with the United Kingdom to continue to work hard for common ideals and values.”

Britain’s King Charles will address a nation in mourning on Friday following the death of his mother and the country’s figurehead, Queen Elizabeth, at the age of 96.

Queen Elizabeth | The world mourns the Queen, Laura Makin Isherwood updates on the latest
