
President Ramaphosa to appear before SAHRC

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The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has confirmed that President Cyril Ramaphosa will appear before it at the beginning of April.

The commission is holding hearings on the unrest that took lace in July 2021.

Earlier, the commission heard how Duduzane Zuma the son of former president Jacob Zuma, used the social media platform to allegedly incite violence during the July 2021 unrest.

During the Gauteng leg of the hearings, Media Monitoring Africa director William Bird also cited eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda as one of the people who allegedly posted messages to encourage residents to embark on violent activities.

The commission is wrapping up its hearings that began on Monday last week in Sandton, north of Johannesburg.

The commission is probing the impact of the unrest in which about 350 people were killed and over R50 billion worth of infrastructure and businesses in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng were damaged.

“That was series of posts and complaints and there were posts mainly owned by Duduzane Zuma saying that burn everything. Similarly there was a post by eThekwini mayor [Mxolisi Kaunda] inciting the burning of whites and Indian houses on an urgent basis. And this was at the time when violence was ongoing. There [was] also a posts that sought to create fear and confusion,” explains Bird.

Below is the live stream proceedings:
