
Presidency will announce its response to the State capture report in October: Mabuza

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Deputy President David Mabuza says by October, the Presidency will make public its response to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.

He was answering oral questions in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on Thursday.

Mabuza fielded questions about the effectiveness of the current anti-corruption institutional and legislative framework.

He says President Cyril Ramaphosa will give details of the plan in a few months’ time.

“I am hoping that come October, the President [Cyril Ramaphosa] will come to [the] house to present our plan on how to respond to [the] Zondo [report] and areas where [the] commission felt [that we] must up the game in fighting crime [and] to prevent recurrence of what is sighted in [the] report,” adds Mabuza.

Mabuza has called on consumers who can afford to pay for electricity to do so.

He says municipalities owe Eskom R38 billion.

The Deputy President says municipalities are unable to pay because consumers don’t honour their commitments to Eskom.

“We must re-emphasise [to] consumers with means to pay, instill a culture of payment. To assist, Salga (South African Local Government Association) has ordered municipalities to start a strict debt collection process to recover debt owed to them and to stop municipality mounting debt to Eskom,” adds Mabuza.

The video below is reporting more on the story:
