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Gauteng Health confirms Hammanskraal cholera outbreak, death-toll at 10

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Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko says a total of 10 people have now died in the Hammanskraal area as a result of a cholera outbreak.

The authorities have now confirmed that the diarrhoeal outbreak reported in the last few days is in fact cholera. The 10 people who died are a three-year-old and nine adults.

Nkomo-Ralehoko has confirmed the cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria.

Lab tests were conducted on stool samples of 19 people who presented at Jubilee District Hospital with symptoms of diarrhea, stomach cramps and nausea.

Nkomo-Ralehoko says since Monday the 15th of May, 95 people have been treated at the hospital and 37 people admitted.

“We are opening additional two wards to accommodate patients who cannot be immediately accommodated, medical and nursing professionals who are a part of this visit will help to manage the current situation while as it is now resources are being mobilized. We already received additional nurses last night and four are part of the shift now. These are from Tshwane district hospitals and local clinics around the area. We have received additional linen from the provincial laundry to activate additional wards to add to the capacity that we need now,” she explains.

VIDEO | 10 people die of diarrhoeal disease in and around Hammanskraal:

The City of Tshwane has urged communities in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria and surrounding areas to refrain from drinking tap water.

City of Tshwane Spokesperson Selby Bokaba says the City is providing drinkable water through water tankers at informal settlements three times a week.

Bokaba says water trucks are being sent to formal areas daily to ensure that communities’ drinking water that is safe for consumption.

