
Patriotic Alliance (PA)

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The Patriotic Alliance (PA) was formed by businessmen Gayton McKenzie and Kenny Kunene on 30 November 2013 in Paarl, Western Cape. Three months before, Kunene was a member of the Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

During the launch of the party 30 November, 2013, McKenzie said the party aimed to be a “huge force” and would do far more than the DA ever did to transform the lives of the previously-disadvantaged in the Western Cape and elsewhere.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) hit back and dismissed the party’s chances at the 2014 polling booths.

The party considers itself a nonracial, non-sexist and democratic political party organising support across South Africa.

The PA positions itself as a champion of the people, with the understanding that while its principles may overlap with those of other parties, the PA is the political alternative that will bring tangible delivery of change in this lifetime for the majority of South Africans.

The PA is an economically centrist party that understands that economic growth is dependent on free-market conditions, but that rampant capitalism encourages only greed and the exploitation of the poor.

A bulk of the party’s membership can be found in the Coloured communities of the Western Cape, but the Patriotic Alliance promises to canvass for support across racial lines.

2014 Elections Manifesto

The Patriotic Alliance (PA) says it is a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic political party organising support across South Africa. Though principles may overlap, the PA adds that it is the political alternative that will bring tangible delivery of change for the majority of South Africans. The party is an economically-centrist party that purports to understand that economic growth is dependent on free-market conditions; and that rampant capitalism encourages greed and the exploitation of the poor.

On empowerment, the PA observes that:

Though ANC have implemented Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment they failed to improve a lot of the lives of the vast black majority.

South African companies ensure their company shareholding has a minimum 26% black-owned representation. PA does not intend to change this figure at present.

The PA would insist that a People’s Empowerment Partner be established. This partner would not represent the interests of any individual or isolated group, but all black South Africans.

This People’s Empowerment Partner would be the preferred partner to go into BEE deals with all companies in South Africa.

On education:

PA intends to improve the education system and deal with all factors limiting education.

The PA understands that a school or education body is largely only as effective as its senior management, principals will thus be appointed with very limited union influence.

Substantial increases in teacher’s salaries are necessary.

On housing and sanitation:

Housing applications and housing allocation should be maintained as separate units thus reducing corruption and manipulation.
More efficient systems of sanitation, with improved access to electricity and water, will be a top priority for the PA.

On the issue of health:

The PA will improve the performances of public hospitals and work to ensure better services.

The PA will explore going into more public-private partnerships – to raise the level of public health.

The PA will introduce drug-related healthcare centres in all areas of the country that are struggling with the scourge of drugs.

On the subject of industrialization:

Apartheid legacy policies on industrialization were designed to benefit only 25% or less of the population, Thus, infrastructure development remains a top priority for South Africa, with the transportation, particularly rail, road and ports, energy networks to be expanded, maintained and modernised at even greater levels.

The PA will also promote different regions of South Africa as hot spots for different kinds of industrialisation in order to spread the South African population more widely.

On a corruption-free government:

The PA will adopt the one-strike system that any official found guilty of a serious infraction would not be allowed to hold public office again for a long period, or the rest of his or her career.

On youth and unemployment:

The PA supports the principle of pushing for the further industrialisation of the country, tied to training targets that address the very real skills gaps that exist.

The PA wishes to put in place practical measures to absorb the youth, among our country’s most energetic and resourceful people, into the workforce.

The PA will support any viable youth programme/s that develop and introduce skills programmes for children.
On the media/ press freedom:

The PA supports press freedom – the party will promote exposing power abuse by any political structure. The PA also wants the Secrecy Bill to be radically reformed.

On economy and job creation:

Crime is considered a major/ very severe constraint on investment by 30% of enterprises in South Africa. In this regard, the PA undertakes that whatever economic decisions it makes will ultimately strengthen the country’s fiscal policies to deliver a strong, prosperous economy based on the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. This plan will deliver and create more jobs, market-related real wages and better living standards for all South Africans, which includes the youth and vulnerable groups.

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