
Patriotic Alliance awaiting ANC’s GNU negotiation proposals

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Patriotic Alliance (PA) has shown interest in becoming part of the Government of National Unity (GNU). Its deputy president, Kenny Kunene, has told the SABC that they are waiting to see what the ANC has to put on the negotiation table.

After failing to secure a majority to constitute a government, the ANC Special NEC put forward a Government of National Unity proposal.

With the deadline for the first sitting of the National Assembly fast approaching, parties are racing against time.

The DA and the IFP are expected to unveil their position by Monday.

Kunene says they want the ANC GNU to address the concerns of their constituency.

“We are keen on a Government of National Unity. However, that will be determined by the offer the ANC will put on the table for our constituencies. We have been consistent that we will get into a coalition with any political party. But, we need to make sure that our own constituencies are taken care of and their interests are taken care of. So, we are waiting for the ANC to get back to us so that we can discuss the details and the way forward.”

2024 Coalition Talks | Patriotic Alliance open to talks: 
