
Parliament to ensure smooth transition for all MPs

Reading Time: 2 minutes

While all eyes are on Pretoria ahead of the Presidential inauguration at the Union Buildings on Wednesday, the National Legislature’s administrative arm is hard at work ushering in the 7th Parliament.

With a huge chunk of MPs being new to the institution, administrators want to ensure a smooth transition for everyone.

It’s going to be a case of back-to-school for new Members of Parliament. And just like a learner starting the year with a fresh uniform, MPs are also provided with the tools of the trade by Parliament, to help them conduct their business as legislators.

This includes stationary, ICT allowances for devices like phones, tablets and laptops, equipment and officer furniture. MPs will also be brought up to speed on the workings of the institution, Parliamentary protocol and the administrative teams.

“Induction programme of members in terms of the work of Parliament, Parliamentary rules, the constitution, and all the matters that pertain to orientating members, we have now scheduled a four-day induction programme that will commence on the 2nd of July and that will run to 5 July. Essentially to help members understand the core business of their roles and responsibilities, members of the office bearers, the overview of members’ ethics and disclosures, the house rules, all the matters that form part of the instruments to enable members to operate in terms of business of Parliament,” says Xolile George, Secretary to Parliament.

Parliament will also prepare MPs and assist them with their travels and accommodation for the inauguration.

“To make sure that they form part of witnessing the historical event of the swearing in of the President of the Republic of the 7th administration and thereby ushering in the possibility of setting up the government that must manage the administration for the next five years,” George explains.

The last list of perks for MPs included, around 88 single economy class flights, a limited number of travels for dependents, airport parking, accommodation in Parliamentary villages, as well as the transport to and from these villages to Parliament.
