
Activists, political parties launch Week for Palestine

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As the country marks 30 years since the democratic rule, the South African foreign policy has been clear in supporting the Palestinian cause. It also backs the peaceful settlement where Israel and Palestine can exist side by side through a two-state solution.

A group of activists from Africa for Palestine and some political parties have launched the week for Palestine.

The launch of Palestine Week comes as the world is still horrified by scenes in Gaza following the discovery of mass graves in Nasser and Al Shifa hospitals.

The Palestinian Civil Defence says some of the dead were killed during the Israeli army’s siege, while other remains were buried at the hospital before the offensive.

There are growing calls for a thorough, independent, and transparent investigation in light of these atrocities.

Leader of Al Jama Ah party Ganief Hendrick says, “Look, we are very distraught and upset because of what is happening, most probably an incident that happened. So the IDF army is the worst of mankind at the moment. One would like to react in other words, you can go after IDF soldiers and their families that’s not the way to go. We need a peaceful solution to the conflict and occupation must end.”

Good Party national chairperson Matthew Cook calls for genocide in Palestine to stop.

“You know, what we must understand is genocide is wrong, it continues to happen. The killing of women and children cannot be justified as self-defence by the apartheid Israel government and so this week for Palestine is important, all people across the globe must unite and say genocide is not OK.”

South African Communist Paty central committee member, Dr Reneva Fourie, says the people of Palestine cannot be forgotten.

“ The Week for Palestine serves to emphasise the rights of Palestinians for self-determination. This right is daily being destroyed by the Israeli settler regime. We have seen the full and military support from the imperialist USA and allies emphasising the crisis of humanity on the collapse of the rules-based international order.”

South Africa’s theme this year is Solidarity through elections as the country gears up to head to the polls and the Palestinian issue is proving to be one of the key factors.

“Since October 7th, we have seen the world galvanized and speak up very strongly about what’s happening today. It’s 201 days since the genocide towards the Palestinians started in Gaza but as we focus in Gaza, a lot of things are happening in the occupied West Bank, there is displacement, killings, kidnappings,” says campaign spokesperson Zukiswa Wanner.

The Week for Palestine, which kicks off next month is an annual global event aimed at promoting solidarity and advocating for justice, equality, and liberation for the Palestinian people. Over 100 organisations have endorsed the event in South Africa and other countries.
