
Over 540 suspects taken to court for various crimes: Hawks

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The Hawks says over 540 suspects representing 526 people and 21 juristic persons, often companies, were taken to court for various crimes committed during the fourth quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year.

Fraud accounted for most of the court appearances.

Hawks Head Godfrey Lebeya says Gauteng accounted for the bulk of the court appearances followed by the North West.

“The DPCIS made significant erodes apprehending individuals involved in high profile cases. Thus, ensuring accountability and justice for the victims. These arrests have targeted persons involved in the commission of national priority offences including serious corruption, serious organised crimes, serious commercial crimes, fraud, money laundering, police killings, cash in transit robberies, illegal mining, damage to essential infrastructure, theft of pipelines and drug trafficking.”

Hawks Report | Hawks swoop in on criminals: 
