
Organisations in Johannesburg march against xenophobia

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A march against xenophobia is underway in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, on Saturday. The march has been organised by Kopanang Africa, a group against xenophobia.

About a thousand people from different organizations are taking part in the march.

Doctor Janet Munakamwe says there’s more to the so-called Africa on Africa hate.

“Xenophobia is not only when Nhlanhla Lux and his young people get on the streets and start chasing away street vendors. Xenophobia comes in different packages.

I will talk about institutionalised xenophobia which I have experienced while applying for a work permit to work here in South Africa. Even though I came here on a study permit. I found it very difficult to transit into a work permit,” says Munakamwe.

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The group was supposed to march on Human Rights Day but their march was postponed to March 26.

The group was established to quell what it said are the Dudula Movement’s violent evictions of undocumented foreign nationals.

Kopanang Africa spokesperson, Ferron Pedro, said they are determined to exercise their right to march.

