
Opposition parties pay tribute to Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Democratic Alliance (DA) leader, John Steenhuisen says Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi played a critical role in developing KwaZulu-Natal.

Steenhuisen spoke at the National Assembly during a motion of condolence.

Buthelezi passed away in September in Ulundi.

Steenhuisen says, “Prince Buthelezi served as Chief Minister of KwaZulu-Natal, where he oversaw the building of hospitals and schools and other infrastructure and also secured the funding for the Mangosuthu Technikon, which operates to this day and which is responsible for providing education to thousands of young South Africans, but the largest contribution he has made to politics, the country and to this house was the establishment in 1975 of what would ultimately become known as the Inkatha Freedom Party. It was to this course that he dedicated his life, turning the IFP into a formidable political force in KwaZulu-Natal and a National player in the political arena.”

African Transformation Movement (ATM) MP Thandiswa Marawu highlighted how Buthelezi was not only a politician but contributed toward developing the Zulu culture and KZN.

“A wonderful leader not only in politics but in defending the culture of the  Zulu Nation at large. A Prime Minister of the KwaZulu Government where he delivered a lot of service to the people of KwaZulu-Natal. Among those, we can mention a number of agricultural colleges and others. He has been prominent in establishing financial institutions like Ithala Bank, and KwaZulu-Natal development finance that aimed at developing the people of KZN.”


Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Member of Parliament Mbuyiseni Ndlozi says violence in 1990s ended as a result of the efforts by the late Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi.

He says Buthelezi, former Presidents Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki were instrumental in advocating for peace.

Ndlozi says, “The violence and intolerance were ended because of the greatest efforts of Umtwana wa ka Phindangene and this is his most important legacy.  Today, we can tell of a history of an IFP that won KZN, and lost to the ANC without the violence that characterised the violence of the 1990s. ANC is losing now municipalities to the IFP, we don’t see the violence that characterised the 1990s. This is what we mean by building peace and this is the legacy of Prince of Phindangene.”

KaMagwaza-Msibi’s life

National Freedom Party Parliamentary leader Ahmed Shaik Emam has thanked Prince Buthelezi for the role he played in late NFP Leader Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi’s life.

“The National Freedom Party is very grateful to the late honourable Buthelezi because he identified our former leader Zanele ka Magwaza Msibi and gave her a platform to allow her to be who she was until her timely death. On behalf of the National Freedom Party, we want to thank the late honourable Buthelezi and the Inkatha Freedom Party, we want to extend our condolences to the family and friends, the party at large, but finally, we want to send one message to you… Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi always had one thing in mind and that is he wanted to unite the IFP and the ANC. And I want to urge you in that direction for the legacy of the former leader Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi.”


African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) Leader Kenneth Meshoe  says Buthelezi’s role he played in the National Assembly to help restore decorum in the House will be missed.

Meshoe says Buthelezi made a meaningful contribution to constitutionalism in South Africa.

“This  extraordinary man’s  immeasurable contribution to freedom, constitutionalism, peace, justice, equality  and democracy, nation building included has been acknowledged  both locally and internationality. The ACDP will always remember the leadership Prince Buthelezi gave to this house and his voice of reasons that often restored order in this House. The ACDP joins this House in honouring Prince Buthelezi for his lifetime of service to South Africa as a champion of our liberation struggle and a respected statesman in our democratic era.”

Congress of the People (COPE) MP, Teboho Loate, reminded the House how   Buthelezi’s efforts during the CODESA talks, contributed to the co-operative governance that South Africa has today.

Loate says, “In his struggle in 1993 for a federal state, while most parties at CODESA favoured a unitary state, Prince Buthelezi’s insistence on federalism led to a compromise which allowed for a system that led to co-operative governance to be adopted. Chapter 2 of the Constitution captures much of what Prince Buthelezi stroke for. We in the  congress of the people also thank him for the support  he lend to the efforts in 2013, to  establish a multi-party coalition involving 11 parties represented at that time in the House. We thank him for his unstinting service to the Nation, may his soul rest in peace.”

VIDEO | Funeral Service of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi:
