
Opposition candidate Galvez votes in Mexico’s general elections

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The opposition’s presidential candidate, Xochitl Galvez, voted on Sunday in Mexico City during the general elections.

Mexicans are at the polls for a historic vote likely to elect the country’s first woman president, with the ruling party candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, expected to sail to victory.

Sheinbaum has been the leading candidate, according to opinion polls, commanding a significant advantage over main competitor Galvez.

Galvez talked and took pictures with supporters while waiting outside the polling station.

The candidate waited about two hours to cast her votes.

Galvez, represents an opposition coalition comprised of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled Mexico for about seven decades until democratic elections in 2000, the right-wing PAN, and the leftist PRD party.

The winner will face formidable challenges, especially how to tame organized crime violence, electricity and water shortages and luring manufacturers to relocate as part of the nearshoring trend, in which companies move supply chains closer to their main markets.
