
Office of the Chief Justice urges judges to be vigilant amid threats of violence

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) has urged judges to stay vigilant of possible acts of violence against them. This follows a voice recording circulated on social media, allegedly threatening to kill judges and burn their houses.

The OCJ says the police have been made aware of these alleged threats, including private security in the Constitutional Court and KwaZulu-Natal High Court division.

The threats are linked to the current protests demanding the release of former president Jacob Zuma from prison.

“Judges are advised to be vigilant and may wish to continue with virtual meetings and hearings as far as possible, more specifically in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal which seem to be the focus areas of protesters,” says the OCJ.

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Protests are expected to intensify on Monday as the Constitutional Court gears up to hear the former president’s application to have his 15-month jail sentence rescinded.

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On Sunday, President Cyril Ramaphosa slammed the violence that’s been the hallmark of the protests over the weekend, warning that those involved will be arrested and prosecuted. Ramaphosa says while everyone has a right to protest, there can never be justification for violent and destructive action that affects the rights of others.

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