
Nzimande is still studying the leaked Unisa report

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Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande says he is still studying the leaked ministerial report highlighting problems at the University of South Africa.

According to media reports, the document concedes that there is a network of corrupt officials at Unisa. It is also alleged that the institution is sliding into mediocrity, becoming a qualifications factory.

Speaking in Durban, Nzimande admitted that the report was leaked. He says he will take the necessary steps once he has considered the report.

“Unfortunately this report has been leaked I am still considering it. I cannot say anything before I thoroughly study it. Once I have studied it, I will then take forward issues as provided for in the Higher Education Act by engaging the council and the stakeholders involved. At this point in time, I have nothing to say about it. It’s been leaked because I am still considering it. I cannot just go with what has been leaked because we are re-enforcing acting outside the framework of the law.”

Angry Unisa students still waiting for their academic certificates

Months after completing their courses, some Unisa students say they can’t find work as they have not yet received their certificates.

Some students have even signed petitions to force the institution to release the documents.

Unisa has committed to urgently resolve the matter, but many students are not convinced.
