
NPF says situation in Zimbabwe has not improved since Mugabe removal

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Zimbabwe’s National Patriotic Front (NPF) says the situation in the country has not improved since Robert Mugabe was deposed as president by the army four years ago.

Mugabe was forced to resign exactly four years ago after parliament sat to impeach him. He ruled the country for more than three decades.

A trip down memory lane of that fateful day with Sophie Mokoena:  

Emerson Mnangwanga became Mugabe’s successor after returning from South Africa after a fallout with Robert Mugabe.

Spokesperson Jealousy Mawarire says the country is actually worse off than it was when incumbent President  Mnangagwa ascended to power.

“We have moved from a quasi-military government in 2017 to a fully-fledged military junta post-November 2017 and that has resulted in the shrinking of democratic space. Civil servants are reeling under really hard economic conditions. They used to earn around $500 in November 2017, now they’re taking home less than $100,” says Mawarire.

Four years on since President Robert Mugabe stepped down from power: Jealousy Mawarire

‘Significant improvements’  

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF in South Africa says Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa has made significant improvements to the country’s economy and brought peace since he took over from Robert Mugabe.

The party says Mnangagwa has lured investors in the last four years. However, the International Monetary Fund says it is unable to provide financial support to Zimbabwe due to its unsustainable debt and external arrears.

It says any lending arrangement with Zimbabwe would require a clear path to restructure its external debt.

Zanu PF spokesperson in South Africa, Kennedy Mandaza says, “There are quite a number of former ministers that are out there but these are people that are in self-imposed exile.

“The government of Zimbabwe under the President Emmerson Mnangagwa is prepared to accept all Zimbabweans back into the country and there will be no retribution on anyone, except for those who have cases that are before the courts, whereupon arrival they, therefore, need to be cleared by the courts,” Mandaza explains.

Hopewell Chinono on Zimbabwe post-Mugabe era
