
Nothing has changed since the Jagersfontein dam collapsed three months ago

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Three months since the Jagersfontein disaster in the Free State, over 100 families are still struggling to live normal lives. A tailings dam collapsed in the diamond-mining town, causing damage which could run into millions of rand to houses and infrastructure.

Business owner Mike Sithole says he and his grandchildren are facing a bleak festive season. Sithole lost everything when sludge damaged the premises from which his business operated.

Sithole adds that, ”I am starting just to see what I can do although I can use corrugated iron just to close and see how I can start to fend for myself. There’s nothing from nobody, government or whoever or the money there’s nothing. Nobody is trying to help and nobody ever came and said we can help do this far nothing. So as I’m standing here nothing is happening. I’m just trying to see what I can do”.

Residents are still traumatised.

According to one of the affected residents, ”I’m also emotionally affected and I’m deeply affected by the damaged I’m no longer staying at my place. Last week I found my place ransacked and things stolen I’m not okay living under these conditions. We plead that we provided with a place to stay. If only our houses can be repaired so that we can live our normal lives again.”
