
North West Legislature confirms not yet received resignation letter from Mokgoro

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The Office of the Speaker in the North West Legislature has confirmed that it has not yet received a resignation letter from Premier Job Mokgoro.

Mokgoro is expected to resign both as premier and as a member of the legislature. The ANC’s Interim Provincial Committee announced yesterday the appointment of Premier-elect, Bushy Maape.

The IPC has been calling for the removal of Mokgoro, who it accuses of not taking instructions from the party.

“Well, as at now the office has not received any resignation from any member whatsoever, including premier Mokgoro if he has to resign. If any member has to resign that member is required to write a letter of resignation advising the speaker of the legislature about his or her resignation,” says Spokesperson for the North West Legislature Tebogo Chaane.

VIDEO: Opposition parties worried about the removal of Premier Job Mokgoro


VIDEO: North-West premier Job Mokgoro serves his last day in office.


