
‘No vote’ defeats what Madiba fought for: Bizos

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Veteran human rights lawyer and struggle stalwart George Bizos says spoiling votes, or choosing not to go vote defeats what Madiba fought for.

Long-time friend of the late former president Nelson Mandela was speaking at Nelson Mandela Dialogue in Johannesburg on Monday.

ANC stalwarts and former Intelligence minister Ronnie Kasrils and former deputy Health minister Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge have launched a “no vote” campaign asking South Africans to take a stand against fraud and corruption by spoiling their votes.

“When I’m asked what I’m going to do on the 7 May, my response is voting and not spoiling my ballot paper,” says Bizo.

He says that its every South Africans fundamental right to vote and anyone that is spoiling their ballet papers is actually neglecting the right that Madiba believed so strongly in.

IEC says it’s prepared for any challenges that might arise in the coming elections, such as spoilt ballots

ACDP leader Kenneth Meshoe says it’s irresponsible to encourage voters to spoil their ballot papers.

Meanwhile, IEC says it’s prepared for any challenges that might arise in the coming elections, such as spoilt ballots.

Head of the IEC in the Northern Cape, Bonolo Modise says almost 7 000 spoilt ballots were recorded in the 2009 elections.

Modise defines a spoilt ballot as a vote that cannot be allocated to any party or individual in an election, as the voter’s preference is not clear.

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