
No job creation without land, Malema says at Stellenbosch rally

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema said there can be no job creation without land. He was addressing supporters in an open field at Khayamnandi in Stellenbosch.

Malema took his campaign trail to the Cape Winelands in the Western Cape. He also addressed EFF supporters in Embekweni in Paarl.

Malema raised concern about the collapse of the textile industry, saying it has been the biggest job creator in the province.

“We cannot have jobs if we don’t own the land. Land comes with factories and textile industries. The Western Cape used to be one of the biggest industries, today the textile industry has collapsed. We need to revive the textile industry if we want to create jobs. We need to open factories and industrialize South Africa because without industrializing South Africa there will never be jobs. We need to take the farms into the hands of our people. And farm-workers must have rights and must be paid properly. No farm worker must be paid with alcohol. All of them must have a permanent job in the farms and those jobs must be guaranteed and those jobs must have pension funds.”

Elections 2024 | EFF campaigns in Western Cape: 

Call for unity

The EFF leader has called on the Coloured and African communities of the Western Cape to unite.

“Comrades we must build the unity of our people in the Western Cape. We must not allow the DA to divide African Communities with Coloured communities because they thrive on division. We are all survivors of oppression of apartheid, and therefore there is no need for us to see each other as enemies. We have got one common enemy. And that enemy is Rupert who owns the whole of South Africa. That is a man we must have a problem with because this Rupert and his family own everything in South Africa. And when we say they own everything, we mean everything. Even the toothpaste that you used this morning comes from the Ruperts. There is no single one of us who arrived here today without using something that belongs to the Ruperts. How can one family own everything.”

‘Better life’

Addressing supporters at Khayamnandi where he continued with his election campaign trail, Malema said prisoners have a better life than those who are not in prison.

“Our people who are not in prison must live better than the prisoners. They can’t live worse than the prisoners. some even wish to go to prison so that they can get a guaranteed meal. You don’t have water, the prison has got water 24/7. You don’t have electricity, they have electricity 24/7. You don’t have a flushing toilet. In prison is a flushing toilet. How can prisoners who did wrong to us live better than us who did not do anything wrong to anyone.”
