
New Brighton residents lament government’s alleged neglect

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Twenty five years into democracy a minority community in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape claims they have been discriminated against.

Residents from New Brighton say despite being one of the oldest communities, they have never benefited from government’s housing programme or road infrastructure development.

The residents still live in decaying houses built by their forefathers in the 1940s.

The community says it is tired of broken promises and the crime that’s besieged the area.

“We have been fighting for service delivery issues for years now. The people I used to go and complain with have since passed on. I always ask people to go and vote and they usually turn against me, what is the point of voting if we will get neglected like this. The bushes in this area are dangerous. We don’t have houses we want houses or will occupy this vacant land and build from the little that we have,” says Community Leader Danisile Gutyumpha.

“You hear screams in these bush. Our children pass through this bush to go to school. It is unsafe and despicable. How many bodies have been picked up here,” adds another resident Erika King.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality has committed to working with the police to strengthen safety in the area.

It’s still not clear, however, when infrastructure development will begin in the area.

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