
New administration must address the needs of the poor: Makgoba

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President of the South African Council of Churches, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, says the new administration coming after the May 29 elections will have to roll up its sleeves to address the needs of South Africans, especially the poor.

Makgoba was delivering a sermon at the council’s National Day of Prayer for elections at the Grace Bible Church in Pimville, Soweto.

The mass prayer service asked for tolerance and a peaceful election.

Makgoba says the incoming leadership must be characterised by people who love the country.

“We remind ourselves that having voted, we still need to hold that mirror before ourselves and before the politicians and before everybody that makes South Africa work and … to say how do we roll up our sleeves and meet the needs, particularly of the poorest of the poor? How do we make people safe?” says Makgoba.

“It’s our prayer that as the new cabinet, and parliament are inaugurated (they are) characterised by people who love this country, who love themselves, and who love God,” he adds.

Elections 2024 | SACC holds a mass prayer service at Grace Bible Church:
