
Neglect and under development of rural E Cape a shame: Holomisa

Reading Time: 2 minutes

United Democratic Movement (UDM) leader Bantu Holomisa says the neglect and under development of the rural Eastern Cape is a shame for a province with such a rich history and contribution to democracy.

Holomisa delivered the party’s 10-point plan provincial Manifesto at Duncan Village Hall in East London. He says the dilapidating infrastructure and the lack of service in rural areas is due to the rampant corruption and misappropriation of funds by the current government.

Poor education quality, lack of economic opportunities for the youth and underdevelopment of rural areas in the Eastern Cape, are the party’s main concerns.

The party says the current provincial government must be held accountable.

“Our aim is to make sure that the Eastern Cape is funded adequately because this is the second biggest province and if you look at the infrastructure of the then Transkei and Ciskei, it has never been integrated into the bigger scheme of things. Same applies with the township; look at the squalor where we are. These people have been living this kind of life since the 80s and the ANC government has done nothing for the people of Duncan Village,” says Holomisa.

Holomisa says the province should be governed by a multi-party government in order to encourage transparency in government.

“One-party dominance for the Eastern Cape is not going to help us. So, if it is a coalition government, we have no choice, but we will participate, but we are not putting any preconditions. We will seat down around the table and table our manifestos. Let’s integrate those manifestos and (in) speak one voice.”

Holomisa says the current economic trajectory of the province requires the reopening of all industrial defunct buildings to create employment opportunities for young people.
