
NCOP approves Appropriation Bill

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The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) has passed the 2023 Appropriation Bill which allows the government to withdraw money from the National Revenue Fund and allocate it to various government departments and entities, parliament and the judiciary.

The bill was passed by the National Assembly two weeks ago.

Of the three parties that made remarks on the bill, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) rejected the bill while the African National Congress (ANC) supported it.

NCOP chairperson Amos Masondo announced the results. “The results from the table are as follows: in favour 38, against 16, abstentions 0. The bill is therefore agreed to in terms of Section 75 of the Constitution.”

 Eskom Debt Relief Bill

Meanwhile, the NCOP also adopted the Eskom Debt Relief Bill without any amendments.

Thirty delegates voted in favour while eighteen voted against.

The bill seeks to write off 254 billion of debt Eskom owes to different entities and financial institutions over the next three financial years.

Government has determined that Eskom will not be able to settle this debt within its own cash flow.

The biggest opposition parties, the DA and the EFF rejected the bill. DA MP Willem Aucump says the bill will not deal with the core problems facing the entity.

“The DA fully agrees with the proposal that was made by Dear SA, who said Eskom crisis must be stopped. And the recommendations they made including a strong case for privatisation… constant bailouts.”

Moletsane Moletsane of the EFF says the bill addresses the wrong priorities and will not give Eskom the required capacity to continue providing electricity … political interference and lack of convictions remain unaddressed.

“As the EFF we agree that we need to recapitalise Eskom and we need to give E enough money to maintain its overall general transmission and distribution infrastructure. complete the outstanding work at Medupi and Kusile as possible… solve any problem. if anything it will only fast-track the national grid collapse.”

More details in the report below:

